On-Stage Interview 2022 (Updated timetable)
On April 1st 2022, the next edition of the Constantijn Huygens (CoH) On Stage Interview (OSI) will take place! Both Alumni and Master students will receive the opportunity to listen to Mark van Baal and a mystery interviewer. Following the OSI, there will be drinks for all participants.
As the CEO of ‘Follow This’, Mark van Baal represents around 4600 shareholders involved in sustainable innovations for the oil industry. With Bas de Leeuw as our interviewer, expect very interesting and in-depth questions. To discover more about his work and develop your understanding of the dynamics within sustainable projects, join the CoH at this year’s On Stage Interview! Make sure to get your ticket (€1) now at wisv.ch/osi! For more information:
Register as Alumni
Register as Master Student
—– Schedule – April 1st —–
19:45 – 20:00 – Entrance
20:00 – 21:30 – On Stage Interview
21:30 – 23:00 – Drinks
(Times are updated)