New Year’s drinks - January 19th 2024
On January 19th 2024, New Year's drinks will be organised for all alumni of W.I.S.V. Christiaan Huygens in the /pub faculty bar. Constantijn Huygens, the alumni committee of Christiaan Huygens invites all alumni to share a drink and a 'oliebol' to celebrate the new year!
The drinks will start at 16:00 until around 20:00. There will also be a fun alumni pub quiz and afterwards there will be time to catch up with your fellow alumni.
Price: Free!
Location: /pub (faculty bar in the basement of EWI)
Time: 16:00 - 20:00
Sign up using the following form:
We look forward to seeing you there!
Attendance list (Updated 04/01/2024)
Frans Ververs
Yorick de Vries
Luca Hagemans
Max Rensen
Daniel de Klein
Robert ten Hoor
Steffan Norberhuis
Hans van den bogert
Leon Rothkrantz
Bhoomika Agarwal
Daniel Gieskens
Ank Voets
Friso Abcouwer
Jasper Abbink
Joost de Groot
Boaz van der Vlugt
Peter Kluit
Sterre Lutz